
ABC Splash: Harmony Day Blog Post
"Harmony Day on 21 March is a day to celebrate Australia's cultural…

Write a book review for Multicultural Me
Reading Time Online’s book review really made me smile. Reading…

Our friends Minister Mike Nahan MLA and OMI
Hon Dr Mike Nahan MLA is the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural…

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) and ESL
I learnt how to address Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)…

Public Speaking for Kids at The City of Belmont (Perth, WA)
The City of Belmont is a local government council in Perth, Western…

Our friends at Halogen Foundation Australia
On Harmony Day 2014, Halogen Foundation Australia invited me…

Multicultural Me in the Newspaper
When we read the newspaper these days, there are too many stories…

Once upon a Children's Book Week in Australia
Children’s Book Week happens every August in Australia. The…

Once upon a Harmony Day in Australia
It was national Harmony Day and I was seated on the stage with…

At your school – Fremantle Christian College (Perth, Western Australia)
Hello from Fremantle Christian College and their Year 3 classroom!…